But while Christine Lagarde, managing director, can preside over a multibillion dollar loan facility, many economists believe this could be expanded. 不过,虽然IMF总裁克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christineLagarde)可以主持达成一项几十亿美元的贷款安排,但许多经济学家认为,这项贷款安排的规模可以扩大。
Mr Malik also said China had agreed a multi-million dollar loan to Pakistan to help the country set up electronic scanners to check all road traffic entering its main cities to help tackle the security threat. 马立克还表示,中国已同意向巴基斯坦提供一笔数百万美元的贷款,帮助该国安装电子扫描仪,检查所有进入其主要城市的道路交通,以帮助解决安全威胁。
Investors are demanding dollars as they are increasingly seen as a haven, while many European banks need the US currency to fund dollar loan obligations. 投资者大量需求美元,因为美元正日益被视为一个避风港,同时许多欧洲银行也需要美元为其美元贷款债务融资。
And, as a massive dollar creditor, making large loan commitments better matches assets and liabilities. 此外,作为一个举足轻重的美元债权国,做出大额贷款承诺,有助于平衡资产与负债。
Critically, it takes no account of the fact that in many cases government can catalyse a dollar of infrastructure investment at a cost of much less than a dollar by providing a tranche of equity financing, a tax subsidy or a loan guarantee. 还有一个至关重要的问题是,它没有考虑到如下事实:通过提供股权融资、税收补贴或贷款担保,政府促成一美元基建投资的成本可能会远低于一美元。
New data showed existing home prices suffered a record drop in August, weakening the US dollar and deepening concern over a rising tide of home foreclosures and loan defaults. 新的数据显示,成屋房价8月出现创纪录下跌,令美元进一步走弱,并引发关于新一轮房屋收回和贷款违约浪潮的担忧。
It says it needs a seven billion dollar loan by the end of the month. 这个月未前它就要70亿美元贷款。
Sri Lanka has been seeking a two billion dollar loan from the International Monetary Fund to help its economy. 斯里兰卡正寻求从国际货币基金组织获取一笔20亿美元的贷款来帮助国内的经济。
Suppose you are in the loan business department of the bank, please design a feasible 100,000,000 dollar loan contract for him. 师:假设你们是银行负责贷款业务部门,请为他设计一份可行的一亿美金的贷款合同。
Two hundred million US dollar loan project of the World Bank& poverty area forestry development project has been implementing in 12 provinces and automobile regions of the central and west of China. 世行贷款规模为2亿美元的贫困地区林业发展项目已在中国中、西部的12个省、区180多个县展开。
Second is the dollar loan, using the dollar debt to increase exchange gain. 二是美元贷款,积极增加美元负债,利用美元贬值增加汇兑收益。